Sunday, May 31, 2009

First African Good Guys! are the latest Good Guys...

They are an Information Solutions provider, focused on interactive, business desktop and internet applications that take advantage of mobility technologies. They view the recession 'as an opportunity.'

So what's their recession plan?

'To make the most out of it and capture a sizable market share.'

What's the biggest challenge Elogixgh faces, and how do they inspire their employees to meet it head on?

'Delayed payment from clients. Our consultants understand the current economic crisis, but we always provide a commission before work commences.'

Elogixgh are currently working on an enterprise application and online counselling service. Stay tuned to their website ( for more info and launch dates. They are also open to any business/organization that requires a customized software product.

Good luck Elogixgh - and well done for surviving the recession!

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